School construction has helped create a new traffic pattern for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. If your child is not riding the bus and you plan on dropping them off in the morning and/or picking them up in the afternoon, please see the steps below:
Morning Student Drop-off
Morning arrival begins at 7:45 a.m. and students may be dropped off up until 8:15 a.m. That provides families with a 30 minute window for morning drop-off which should alleviate some of the traffic backup. Students that are dropped off after 8:15 a.m. will be considered tardy. Consistent daily, on-time attendance is crucial to the success of students.
Family vehicles will enter the campus using the driveway in front of the front door. Vehicles will enter using the right entrance of the driveway and exit using the left entrance next to the playground.
Family vehicles will pull forward as far as possible and follow the directions of an OCRS staff member to drop-off their child at the sidewalk.
If your child is having trouble getting out of the vehicle or if you want to get out of the car to hug them goodbye, please pull into one of the parking spaces; do not park in the main driveway.
After dropping off their child, family vehicles will pull forward and come to a complete stop where the front entrance driveway meets the driveway that runs along the playground and around the rear of the school. Be aware of school buses entering the campus!
Family vehicles will exit the campus onto Old County Road after coming to a complete stop. Again, be aware of school buses entering the campus!

Morning drop-off traffic pattern
Afternoon Student Pick-up
Afternoon dismissal is at 2:45 p.m. this year. Students that are picked up earlier than 2:45 p.m. will be considered an early dismissal. Consistent daily, on-time attendance is crucial to the success of students.
Family vehicles will enter the campus using the driveway in front of the front door. Vehicles will enter using the right entrance of the driveway and exit using the left entrance next to the playground. There may be a line of cars that extends onto Old County Road. Follow the directions of the crossing guard.
Family vehicles will pull forward as far as possible and follow the directions of an OCRS staff member to pick-up their child at the sidewalk. Please clearly display the sign with your child's name in the vehicle's windshield.
After picking up their child, family vehicles will pull forward and come to a complete stop where the front entrance driveway meets the driveway that runs along the playground and around the rear of the school. Be aware of school buses entering the campus!
Family vehicles will exit the campus onto Old County Road after coming to a complete stop. Again, be aware of school buses entering the campus!

Afternoon pick-up traffic pattern